
Crates: https://crates.io/crates/easy_ga Github repository: https://github.com/RubenRubioM/easy_ga Easy_GA is a genetic algorithm library made for Rust projects. It provides full customization for your own genotypes definitions and a genetic algorithm implementation to wrap all the common logic within a genetic algorithm. Features Usage In your Cargo.tml you have to add the Easy_GA Read more…


Shinobu is a videogame made for Amstrad CPC using Z80 assembly and with the CPCtelera library. This project was highly related to optimize every piece of memory due to the Amstrad CPC limitation of 16KB of memory RAM. The source code can be found in the github repository and the Read more…

Spark engine logo

Spark Engine

Spark Engine is a graphic engine made from scratch using C++ 17 and OpenGL. Spark Engine has the ability to render 3D and 2D objects and its main object is to be used for videogames and graphics shows. Among all its features we can mention the ability to render dynamic Read more…